There have been at LEAST thirty Rockin' Diamond T bred pups that have attained titles as well as MULTIPLE AGILITY CHAMPIONS!! Probably more but those are just the ones I know about! With the MANY winning Fairoaks dogs out there it is not a surprise these dogs excel in performance events!
Most of the Aussies pictured are from our foundation male AKC/ASCA/CKC WILDWEST WIZARD OF FAIROAK or out of his sons, daughters and grandget. All of them were born here at Rockin' Diamond T Ranch.
Darra (Sunny J's Aladarra of Fairoak) and Oz (Wildwest Wizard of Fairoak) pup ATCH VIII WILDWEST SUGAR ANGEL, AXP, AJP, XFP, RV-E, JV-E, GV-E (Plus many other titles) AKA "Sugar" doing Agility! She had 1000s of Agility points and MANY advanced titles in USDAA, NADAC, AKC and ASCA!! Congrats Sue and Sugar! She also had many qualifying runs at the ASCA Nationals in Colorado in September 2013! Sugar is a full sister to Trivium of Fairoak which makes her a full aunt to current breeding dogs Mozzy, Venet, Veyron, Chiron and Senna.
Darra (Sunny J's Aladarra of Fairoak) and Oz (Wildwest Wizard of Fairoak) son Fairockins Creeping Monster Sullivan RN PT FDC NA NAJ CAX FCAT2 RATO CGCA TKI ATT FITG and in ASCA STDd, AKA "Sully" doing Agility, coursing, herding ducks etc. He can do it all! He has an extraordinary amount of titles in many events. The dozen titles above are in Rally, herding test, Farm Dog Certified, Agility standard and jumpers, Coursing Ability Excellent, Fast Cat twice over, Barn Hunt, Canine Good Citizen Excellent which is an advanced obedience title, Trick Dog, Temperament Test, Fitness Gold level, and herding ducks! WOW! Congrats Marissa and Sully! Sully is a full brother and littermate to Trivium of Fairoak which makes him a full uncle to current breeding dogs Mozzy, Venet, Veyron, Chiron and Senna.
ATCH VIII WILDWEST SUGAR ANGEL, AXP, AJP, XFP, RV-E, JV-E, GV-E AKA "Sugar" won her ASCA Veterans Elite titles in Regular, Jumpers and Gamblers on June 9, 2012! She will continue building Q's towards her ASCA Agility Trial Champion Title and double Q's towards her AKC Master Agility Champion (MACH)!
Sugar got her ASCA Agility Trial Champion (ATCH) title on April 14, 2013. That is so awesome! Congrats Sue and Sugar!
CLICK HERE TO SEE A VIDEO of Sissy earning one of the qualifying Master's runs she needed for her championship! After Sissy's run is Goose (Oz/Vandal pup) in jumpers.
UPDATE! Sissy earned her ADCH (Agility Dog Championship) Title at the USDAA Agility Trial on August 10, 2013 at Club Doggie in Mesa. This is the highest Agility Title you can earn. We are so proud of her!! This has been a team effort by her Handlers & Owners, Lloyd Mehr, Brenda Mehr & Junior Handler Sara Symonds. Way to Go Sissy!!
BELLA and OZ (Wildwest Wizard of Fairoak) blue merle, many TITLED daughter - ADCH WILDWEST WIZARD'S SWEET SASSY SISSY, OA, NAJ, OF (plus many others) AKA "SISSY"! This girl loved agility and excelled in the toughest competition! SISSY also has ASCA and MANY USDAA titles AND is now an AGILITY DOG CHAMPION ADCH! She qualified for Nationals in USDAA and ASCA! Congrats Lloyd and Sissy!

BELLA and OZ (Wildwest Wizard of Fairoak) blue merle PERFORMANCE CHAMPION TITLED son - IMA LIL PISTOL aka IZAK! As well as out pursuing his agility career he has also won photo contests and appeared in a PetSmart commercial, billboard, email and internet ads, and all over inside Petsmart! Congrats Izak and Ashley!

VANDAL AND OZ PUP: WILDWEST WIZARD'S LITTLE GOOSE, OAJ, NF! Goose has AKC Novice and Open Titles in Jumpers AND her NOVICE FAST title! Goose also has USDAA titles and is very good in the Jumpers class! Congrats Brenda and Goose! UPDATE: Goose now has many advanced titles and is close to her USDAA performance championship.

There is another OZ and Vandal pup that has AKC titles. CAPSTONE'S FLYING COLORS, CD, RA AKA "Harly" has his AKC Companion Dog and Rally Advanced titles! Congrats Harly and Helen! Waiting for a photo of Harly.
PROWLER AND OZ PUP: FAIROAKS BLUE EYED LADY, RN! "Dacious" just earned her Rally Novice title on 04/06/2013! She also has her Mom's copper mask! Congrats Tamison and Dacious!

Risky and Bella (Prowler's dam) Pups: ARIZONA SUNSHINE, RE AKA "SUNNY" and another Risky/Bella pup RISK TAKER'S MAD FOR ME, CD, RAE AKA "MADDIE" were the very first AKC titled Rockin' Diamond T dogs! SUNNY has his RALLY EXCELLENT TITLE and MADDIE has her COMPANION DOG AND RALLY ADVANCED EXCELLENT TITLES (AKC)!

Rockin' Diamond T has several Therapy dogs out there including Ruby!


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