PUPPY UPDATE: Kahlua had puppies on November 27, 2024. all of these pups are reserved. CLICK HERE TO SEE KAHLUA'S LITTER!
PUPPY UPDATE: Senna x Zoso litter due February 1, 2025. Email me for info. MORE LITTERS ARE PLANNED FOR FALL/WINTER 2025! E-mail if you would like to be on our contact list.
Note: my e-mail can occasionally be cranky so if I don't e-mail you back within 3 days I didn't get it. WE DO NOT SHIP PUPPIES. WE DO NOT STUD OUT OUR MALES. We absolutely DO NOT breed toys/minis.
Note: my e-mail can occasionally be cranky so if I don't e-mail you back within 3 days I didn't get it. WE DO NOT SHIP PUPPIES. WE DO NOT STUD OUT OUR MALES. We absolutely DO NOT breed toys/minis.
Our puppies are handled daily with love as well as ENS (early neurological stimulation) and Puppy Culture inspired puppy raising techniques. Contact us if you would like to be contacted when the next pups arrive. No obligation and we do not accept hold fees until after the pups are born. You can also "Like" our Facebook page for updates but my contact list gets notified first on new litters.
UPDATE: ALL of our breeding dogs have been full panel tested including for the HSF-4 gene that causes most of the hereditary cataracts in Aussies and ALL ARE n/n CLEAR FOR THE HSF-4 GENE. That means ALL ROCKIN' DIAMOND T PUPPIES will be HSF-4 clear by parentage. Much more genetic testing and OFA certifications done! See bios below for health clearances for each dog.
They will come with their first puppy shot, 30 day health guarantee and two year hip guarantee. Tails and dew claws will be done by vet unless reserved shortly after birth to keep tails and/or dew claws. ALL Rockin' Diamond T puppies will be CLEAR BY PARENTAGE of the dreaded HSF-4 hereditary cataracts gene.
All of my puppies come with a PUPPY FOLDER that includes:- BOTH sets of litter papers AKC AND ASCA (unless there is a unexpected quirk);
- their health records including shot vial labels, dates and worming schedule;
- 30 day limited health guarantee,
- Articles on Puppy Stages & Fear Periods
- Articles on Destructive Chewing and Herding/biting deterrent tips.
- a copy of the puppy's pedigree as well as
- housebreaking tips
Puppy prices vary but are priced from $1,000 to $2,000 with merles at the high end due to MUCH higher demand. I price my pups based on the law of supply and demand so snap up those bi/tri males - best pup for your buck! Merle females are the high end and are almost always sold before their eyes open at two weeks.
ALL BREEDING DOGS have been cleared n/n of the HSF-4 hereditary cataracts gene! (This gene causes over 70% of the hereditary cataracts in Aussies). That means all Rockin' Diamond T puppies will be HSF-4 clear by parentage! I've done extensive genetic tests on all of my dogs including CEA (Collie Eye Anomaly) and PRA (Progressive Retinal Atrophy). Both of those diseases require a copy of the bad gene from EACH parent. By Oz, Thorin AND Bugatti testing CLEAR for those eye conditions I can guarantee pups will never be afflicted with those devastating eye conditions.
E-mail us if you are interested. We do accept nonrefundable hold fees after they arrive but for their protection do not allow visitors before the pups are 5 weeks.

OR START A TOUR OF ROCKIN' DIAMOND T DOGS, ACCOMPLISHMENTS AND INFORMATION! Each page will have a button at the bottom to continue to another page until you end up back here! To go back to our main Australian Shepherd page click Back to Main Australian Shepherds below or very top left of this page. 
38326 N. 12th Street, Phoenix, Arizona 85086
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2007 Rockin' Diamond T Ranch. All Rights Reserved | |