We have strived to buy great dogs from proven lines! We love the breed and want the very best for our dogs and puppies! Even if you just want a good companion dog, it's nice to know they come from good stock. I love dogs with working and agility pedigrees because they were bred to be functional, athletic and smart - not just have conformation that is the current trend in the show ring. We believe Australian Shepherds are incredibly smart and more easily trained to listen to commands than some other working dogs. Want to show your puppy some day? Darra comes from a line with EXTENSIVE titles and abilities AND her puppies are excelling as well! She's a wonderful obedient, sweet dog that loves to grin and sing (OK whine) songs! MDR1 Normal/Normal and HSF4 CLEAR! SUNNY J'S ALADARRA OF FAIROAK!SUNNY J'S ALADARRA OF FAIROAK has produced a daughter with Oz who is an agility champion (ATCH VIII and PACH 2) WILDWEST SUGAR ANGEL that has well over 1000 Agility points including advanced titles in USDAA, NADAC, AKC and ASCA! Congrats Sugar and Sue!Darra's sire INTERNATIONAL CHAMPION Sir Santo Fairoaks Bluegrass and Darra's dam FAIROAKS SILVER DOLLAR!Darra's maternal grandparents INTERNATIONAL CHAMPION FAIROAKS ALADAR and FAIROAKS SHALASKA!I could not find pictures of Darra's paternal grandparents but I did find a FULL sibling of her granddam R Valley's Crystal Clear Zima. Pictured is INTERNATIONAL CHAMPION FAIROAKS LAZARIO!Darra's paternal great grandparents from left to right FAIROAKS CHAVO, FAIROAKS SHALENA, INTERNATIONAL CHAMPION FAIROAKS ALADAR and RUDER'S I B A AUBURN ANGEL!Darra's maternal great grandparents from left to right FAIROAKS ATREYU STDd, OTDsc; BOOTHILL'S RONITA OF FAIROAKS; AND FAIROAKS SHALINGO!Darra's rich Fairoaks bloodlines is why she produces such spectacular puppies! Great grandsire Fairoaks Chavo was one of the foundation sires for Fairoak and was out of the famous Fairoaks Atreyu/Fairoaks Alita cross that includes the dogs pictured below. These are just a few of the MANY winning Fairoaks dogs. First Row: Working Trial Champion WTCH Fairoaks Atoya; MASTERS IN AGILITY Fairoaks Daisy Mae, NA, NJW, OA, OAJ, AD, MX; International Champion Fairoaks Allegro; International Champion Fairoaks Calypso, CGC, TDI, DNA-CP; Second Row: Fairoaks Chillito, NS, NG, NJ in 2003 he was AKC nationally ranked in novice agility with limited showing!
38326 N. 12th Street, Phoenix, Arizona 85086
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